Abstract Panel

Round Table Details

Convenor Prof. Subhadra Channa Delhi University India
Co-convenor Prof. Junji Koizumi IUAES ( International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sceinces) Japan
Co-convenor Prof. Isaac Nyamomgo Deputy Vice Chancellor, The Co-operative University of Kenya Kenya
Panelist/discussant (s) Details
Prof. Soheila Shashahani Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic of
Prof. Virginia Dominguez University of Illinois, Urbana Champaigne United States
Dr. Danilyn Rutherford Director, Wenner-Gren Foundation United States
Prof. Gordon Mathews The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Panel No : R06
Title : The Future of Anthropology
Sponsoring commission(s) :
World Anthropology Union ( WAU)
Short Abstract : Anthropology and social sciences and humanities in general are under threat of marginalization in many parts of the world, especially under totalitarian and populist regimes as humanities and social sciences are often seen as having a critical approach and challenge authority in favor of marginalized communities and inequality of all kinds. In this roundtable the contribution of anthropology and its potential to emerge as a key discipline for the future of humanity will be debated.
Long Abstract :

The question to be asked is, ‘Does anthropology have a future in a volatile and increasingly divisive world? What questions can be answered by the discipline devoted to the study of humans in their multifarious reality? What issues can be resolved by the deeply subjective ethnographic methodology? What can anthropologists do, powerless as they are in the face of fascist, populist and exploitative forces? And very importantly what path can anthropologists illuminate to save the globe from imminent environmental disasters?  In the past few decades anthropology as a discipline has been taken off the syllabus of several universities around the globe, especially by the conservative and totalitarian regimes. To us it is also a good sign that anthropology is seen as a threat to the essentialising forces of the world. Anthropology then has a future that is one of deliverance. The question again that can be raised is that of power. Do anthropological writings, discourses and other forms of communication have an impact? How are we to make our discipline impactful? How do we make ourselves powerful enough to challenge the growing militarism, violence and divisiveness raising their heads around the globe?

In order to debate and discourse over some of these issues the World Anthropological Union is proposing a Round Table at the World Congress. The aim is to bring narratives from across the globe as to the role anthropology and anthropologists are playing in critical areas and how they are engaged in participating in governance and policy making, if at all. What relation does anthropology have with those in power and how the state relates to it? What is the student response to this discipline and again importantly, what career prospect does it provide in various parts of the world?