Abstract Panel

Panel Details

Convenor Prof. Giovanna Guslini Formerly of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research Italy
Co-convenor Dr. Mary Hallin University of Nebraska at Omaha United States
Panel No : P075
Title : World Anthropologies: Learning across Countries, Cultures and Disciplines
Sponsoring commission(s) :
IUAES Commission on Anthropology and Education
IUAES Commission on Documentation
Short Abstract : Learning and teaching world anthropologies across countries, cultures and disciplines can help us build a new and flexible vision of education in anthropology, breaking traditional structures and boundaries. Then, how can we connect regional, national and international needs? How can we face local and global issues that demand more and more different approaches? Papers that explore how anthropology can be engaged in concrete actions that develop new international competences are welcome.
Long Abstract :

This panel explores ways to build a new and flexible vision of education in anthropology that addresses issues spanning across the globe. The world is becoming more and more interconnected, with problems in one country affecting other countries. Responses to regional, national and international needs will demand increased inter-institutional, inter- cultural and inter/trans - disciplinary approaches.

To address the complex challenges facing us today, we need to train students to understand similarities/differences and equalities/inequalities at international, regional, national and local community levels. It is essential to understand from the local perspective how global problems are affecting local needs. This requires developing methods for obtaining input from local communities and for involving those communities in interventions that address local needs. This implies bi-directional or multi-directional knowledge exchange and teaching anthropology that utilizes a more dynamic and participatory approach to understanding other cultures. Learning and teaching world anthropologies across countries, cultures and disciplines, breaking traditional structures and boundaries, is a way forward.

Cultural exchanges can integrate digital and visual modalities with physical learning to develop an increased international dimension in education. This requires a wide support network inside the academy and outside so that students at any educational level across the world can learn more.

Addressing global issues also requires the skills of many disciplines and this means collaborative research - a major change in the lone-wolf style of field research with which most anthropologists are comfortable.

Papers that explore topics such as new ways to learn about other cultures, facilitating knowledge exchange, partnering schools and ways to engage and develop new international competencies are welcome.