Abstract Panel

Panel Details

Convenor Ms. Misia Zoccoli University of Bologna Italy
Co-convenor Dr. Ricardo Leizaola Goldsmiths, University of London United Kingdom
Panel No : P069
Title : Human with a mobile phone and internet connection. Self-representation and political space in anthropology.
Short Abstract : This panel addresses the opportunities arising from self-representation, through social media and modern technologies as a means to regain political space, and the repositioning of (visual) anthropology.
Long Abstract :

In the last thirty years the internet and new technologies have changed many aspects of life, in an uneven but global way. One of these aspects has certainly been the content we share online.
With this panel we intend to raise the question of whether the possibilities of new technologies and social media create opportunities to regain political space through self-representation.
We believe that the re-appropriation of one's image, history, narrative can change the perception of a group or a place, informing the perception of the other up to obtaining a political change. The availability of technologies and the diffusion of accessible and user-friendly editing programs play a central role – sometimes through the same apps used to share (Tik-tok, of course, but also similar features on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube). Visual products (photos, videos and multimedia creative outcomes) are fundamental in developing narratives in which actors can find recognition. Visual anthropology has long sought to achieve this recognition of social actors in its works, both through the recording/interpretation of events and through cooperative projects. Nowadays regaining a political "voice" as individuals, movements or communities, has become a frequent form of social media activism, with its own aesthetics and viewers, as well as a role in news and information media.
Marginalities, within urban space and societies, and virtual spaces, in this moment of global/local interconnections, could also change the role of anthropologists.