Abstract Panel

Round Table Details

Co-convenor Dr. Georgeta Stoica Centre Universitaire de formation et de recherche de Mayotte France
Convenor Prof. Ana Ivasiuc European Association of Social Anthropologist EASA Ireland
Panelist/discussant (s) Details
Prof. Rituparna Patgiri Delhi University India
Prof. Marta Gentilucci Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche de Mayotte France
Prof. Leonardo Francisco de Azevedo Federal University of Juiz de Fora Brazil
Panel No : R14
Title : Academic precarity and the anthropological profession
Sponsoring commission(s) :
WCAA Task Force on Precarity
Short Abstract : Academic precarity has certainly created a new research field for anthropology in recent years as more anthropologists carry out ethnographies of academic precarisation. But beyond defining the emergence of a new thematic area, how has precarisation academic life influenced the anthropological discipline? Has it any implication on how we train our students, carry out our fieldwork or engage with society at large?
Long Abstract :

This round-table asks what are the effects of precarity on the very nature of our profession and discipline. It also raises questions about the role of anthropology in the face of academic precarisation. Some questions to be addressed are:
- How precarisation of the academic profession has reshaped (or not) academic training in anthropology?
- Has precarity brought new ethical, epistemological and/or methodological developments for anthropological research?
- Can anthropology as a discipline better address or challenge precarisation of academia?

- What are the possible contributions of anthropology for the public debate and political actions against precarisation?
- What is the role of professional associations – at the national, regional and global levels – in a much broader process of precarisation of academic life?