Abstract Panel

Panel Details

Convenor Dr. Suzanne Hanchett International Women's Anthropology Conference (IWAC) United States
Co-convenor Dr. Ragini Sahai Amity University India
Panel No : P039
Title : Facing Life’s Challenges: Enterprise, Innovation and Labour Inputs of Marginalized Women for Survival
Short Abstract : This panel will explore the efforts and struggles of marginalized women globally to access the essential life sustaining resources needed for their families. The focus is on women’s enterprise, innovation and labour inputs to overcome stressful situations of lack of resources. Also on the causative factors that produce this stress, the loss of environment and industrial pollution and corporate control over vital resources.
Long Abstract :

Women, as a general category are among the most marginalized in the world, weighed down by patriarchy, religious norms and economic marginalization. With increasing liberalization of the economies and the increasing control of the corporate sector on vital resources such as water, land and forests, more and more communities are getting displaced and losing control over their traditionally accessed resources. There is also the rampant menace of industrial pollution that is destroying water bodies, agricultural land and pastures. Yet, women, most always in charge of feeding their families and raising their children, have to constantly look around for life sustaining resources like potable water, food and health care; none of which is easily available to them. In this panel, in accordance with the theme of the conference, we are not just looking at marginalization, but at the enterprise, innovation and labour that women put into their daily lives and tasks, to access scarce and fast disappearing resources. The emphasis is on the future and the present. What are women doing? How are they tackling the issues as they come up? What strategies are they assuming? How much extra labour does a mother have to put in to ensure that her child survives? In what ways are the women forming horizontal bonds with each other? How are they exploring new opportunities and even new technologies?

This panel will try to bring in stories about ordinary women who yet make heroic efforts, who may innovate at the level of the kitchen and household work, who may be enterprising enough to break the shackles of convention and religious norms. It is not just about the spectacular, but the ordinary day to day lives, but where one can identify women’s work, effort and entrepreneurship.