Panel's Accepted Abstract

Panel : P108 - Pastoral mobilities and ecological variability, responses to socio-political stressors, and contextual adaptabilities in South Asia
TrackIDAbstract TitleAuthor(s)Session
IUAES23_ABS_V8930 Surviving Technologies of Accumulation and Dispossession: Ecological Labour of the Gujjar-Bakarwal Tribe of Jammu and Kashmir Afreen Faridi
IUAES23_ABS_U1841 Pastoralism in the high Himalayas: Understanding changing practices and their implications for parasite transmission between livestock and wildlife Munib Khanyari
IUAES23_ABS_N6218 From Pastures to New Opportunities: A Case Study of Livelihood Shifts among Gujjar and Bakerwal Pastoralists in Jammu & Kashmir Muzamil Rashid
IUAES23_ABS_N6917 Pace and the Politics of Pastoral Mobility in Western India Natasha Maru
IUAES23_ABS_W9483 Challenges faced by Pohul (Chopan) shepherds in Kashmiri highland pastures: A case study Irfan Banka, Ramesh Sahani, Irfan Banka, Ramesh Sahani
IUAES23_ABS_J1549 Navigating Climate Risk through Loss and Damage among Bakarwal Pastoralists in Northern Himalayas Priyank Goswami, Priya Rajput
IUAES23_ABS_W5119 “We are the last generation of Tibetan refugee pastoralists”: An analysis of Tibetan refugees navigating political and climate change in the Indian Himalayas. Tenzin Yangkey