Panel's Accepted Abstract

Panel : P084 - Rights, Entitlements and Policy Measures for the Nomadic Communities: Forging a Way Forward for Inclusive Development
TrackIDAbstract TitleAuthor(s)Session
IUAES23_ABS_S8166 Struggle for Inclusive Development: A Case Study of the Maset Community of Haryana, India PRIYANKA AIRI GOYAL
IUAES23_ABS_K8526 The colonial policies for the Nomads during 19th century Europe: A study of the circumstances that led to the passing of the Criminal Tribes Act in India. Madhavi Tripathi
IUAES23_ABS_E9411 Reciprocity or repulsion? Understanding the effects of public policy on Nomad-Farmer relations in India. Ahfaz Khan
IUAES23_ABS_D3057 Analysis of Public Welfare Schemes for De-Notified and Nomadic Tribes (with special reference to Singhiwala Tribe of Delhi) REENA DEVI
IUAES23_ABS_M5783 Critical analysis of laws for (De)-Notified Tribes in Delhi, with reference to Madras Restriction of Habitual Offenders Act, 1948 Swati Agarwal
IUAES23_ABS_X2971 Negotiating Customary law and State Regulations in Pastoral Communities: A Study of Pastoralism and Shepherding Practices in Western Himalayas Yash Goswami