Panel's Accepted Abstract

Panel : PT154 - Documenting Memories
TrackIDAbstract TitleAuthor(s)Session
IUAES23_ABS_H2027 ‘Pietra dura’ as a technico-material category: ?tracing the genesis of a global hierarchy Lola Cindric
IUAES23_ABS_L4658 From Manuscripts to the Digital Age: Unraveling the Threads of Buddhist Textual Transmission Drishti Kalra
IUAES23_ABS_K8606 A Visual Photography Study of Urban Transformation in Bhubaneswar Smart City, India Krishna Kumar A, Upali Aparajita, SADAF GUL
IUAES23_ABS_E3805 Spatio-temporal Transformations of an Urban Environment: Narratives and Collective Memories of Thekkinkadu Maidanam - Thrissur Ajay Kakkad
IUAES23_ABS_C4972 The Inhibited Memory and the Bone Memory. Epistemology the emergence of Forensic Sciences in Spain during the birth of Democracy Ian Gonzalez Alaa
IUAES23_ABS_A2558 Visualising Damming North East India: Mapithel Dam Ramachan A Shimray
IUAES23_ABS_B6162 Gandhi in the Archive: Museums, Objects and Biography Ritu Gairola Khanduri
IUAES23_ABS_H6962 Using Archival Materials in Prison Studies: Bridging Historical Approach with Phenomenology Vineetha Sivakumar