Panel's Accepted Abstract

Panel : P023 - Women Envisioning Futures Beyond the Borders of Marginalization in Global Foreign Trade Zone Work
TrackIDAbstract TitleAuthor(s)Session
IUAES23_ABS_U8030 The Post-Pandemic Predicament of Female Skilled Workers in the Textile Zone in India Annapurna Pandey
IUAES23_ABS_H5777 The Blue Side of Green Industrial Development in US FTZs: Women’s Vital and Invisible Precarious Labor Ann Kingsolver, Mauri Systo, Pem Davidson Buck
IUAES23_ABS_B6936 Economic justice within global capital: Pandemic, economic crisis and struggles of women workers Sandya Hewamanne
IUAES23_ABS_T5648 Sustainable Development, Insecure Labor: Promotion versus Practice in US Automotive Production Mauri Systo