Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Mr. ABHIJEET MUNDA Anthropology Ranchi University Ranchi
2 Author Mr. Atish Panna anthropology Ranchi University
3 Author Mr. Ashima Khalkho Anthropology Ranchi University Ranchi
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
P098 - Anthropology of Subalterns and Marginals: Cross Cultural perspectives from the past, present and future
Abstract Title
The Birhor and the Changing world: A study with respect to its lifestyle and environment.
Short Abstract
Sustainability of Living lifestyle of A tribe is an important aspect to deal with the recent trend of developing world. It relates to the ability of communities to live in harmony with their natural environments and to ensure the long-term viability of their house. Some of the issue facing tribal communities in south Asia include displacement due to large-scale development projects, loss of traditional knowledge and practices, lack of access to resources and markets. Many indigenous communities have been able to adapt and innovate in response to changing circumstances.
Long Abstract

In the world of Tribalism, Birhor a tribe of Jharkhand, enlisted in the PVTGs. were basically a food gather and a hunter tribe, but in the course of time, a lot have change in their social, culture and a way of living. Once a nomadic tribe thus now are become a settled tribe. This also effect to their environment and also many changes occur to their natural habitat. The community Birhor had ability to meet their basic needs in a way that does not deplete their natural resources or harm their environment. Not only the Birhor, but many other tribal communities have developed sophisticated systems of land and resource management that enable them to live a sustain life over a long period.

The sustainability of living for tribes is often threatened by external factors such as climate change, resource extraction, and encroachment on their lands by outside groups. The challenges can be disrupted the delicate balance of the natural systems that indigenous communities rely on their survival.

The sustainability of living for tribes is a complex and multifaceted issues that’s requires a holistic approach that takes into account the social, cultural, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability.

Abstract Keywords
Birhor, Sustainable, nomadic