What are we doing to ensure the safety and protection of the younger-ones? As a response to this, it is recommended to extend sufficient psychological and emotional support & assistance to children along with imperative conditioning and education pertaining to the notion. Present cross-sectional study was carried out in Delhi among 984 participants (492 boys and 492 girls) belonging to 10 to 17 years of age (at the time of data collection). Investigation was conducted only after obtaining the ethical clearance certification from the Institutional Ethical Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi; and relevant permission from the schools considered in this study. Informed-written, voluntary consent was taken (in advance) from the parents of participants as the participants were minors. Questionnaire method was employed for screening and assessing the familiarity as well response to the affliction. SPSS version 20.0 was used for data analysis and the association between the factors was also verified. Familiarity with the concept of domestic violence and sexual abuse was more among girls while the reaction towards witnessing the situations was recorded more with the boys. Such unfavourable, damaging instances in the corresponding environment of development, cause state of shock and strain. The imprints of trauma and its detrimental consequences on the overall cognition of children could crucially be cope up with social guidance and support.