Abstract Panel

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Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
PT152 - Voices from the Margins
Abstract Title
Identity Crisis among the job seeking youths leading to Alienation: A case study of the job seeking youths of Patna Region, Bihar, India
Short Abstract
In this study, the targeted population will be the youths and college graduates who are preparing for any competitive examination to get a job. The main research questions will revolve around how job-seeking youths get laden with the identity crisis during the process of preparing and getting success and failure in the competitive examination which sometimes ultimately turned into a feeling of alienation.
Long Abstract

Durkhiem-while describing Education as a socialisation process- said that education develops a certain number of physical, intellectual, and moral calibers in a child that is demanded by both the political society as a whole and the special milieux for which he is specifically destined. So, it is obvious that educational achievement, especially getting a job after being graduated from college or intermediate schooling is directly related to the physical, social, and intellectual(moral) identity of youth.

But what if, an individual couldn’t manage to get a job, more specifically, any legal earning source from which he could earn start a family. From here he started living with a crisis and in a chaotic mindset. The crisis of who he is and what he contributes to society. As a youth, he started feeling estranged, hopeless, and Alienated. He started living in a transitional state of mentality that continuously swings like a pendulum and arouse questions about his/her identity.

So, in this Article, the author will point out all those factors which are responsible for creating a dilemma-like situation in an individual’s life after passing out from college. This article also focuses on how the situation of identity crisis led youth to a state of Alienation. This type of Alienation may include (1)Alienation from the state, (2) Alienation from his intellectual properties( e.g, Studies, skill sets),(3) Alienation from the education system,(4)Alienation from his family, friends, etc.

In this study, the author will focus on the students who are preparing for competitive examinations after being graduated from college or who are still in college and preparing for any examinations which secure jobs. Data will be collected through focused group discussion, interviews, and case study methods. The region of the study will be Patna in Bihar, India

Abstract Keywords
Youths, Identity Crisis, Alienation