Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Dr. Tina Polek Anthropology NGP Centre for Applied Anthropology
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
P052 - The walls: the fear of the Other in the context of wars and conflicts
Abstract Title
Everydaylife level of Ukrainian-Russian communication during the war: constructing the new ethics
Short Abstract
Full scale invasion of the Russian federation changed everyday life of Ukrainians and their perception of Russians on different levels. Historicaly there were a lot of connections between people in both countries, a lot of Ukrainians have relatives, colleagues or friends in Russia. 24.02.2022 ruined the diplomatic contacts, but what happened on everydaylife level? Do Ukrainias feel an ethical obligation to stop any connections with Russians and build an invisible wall? Are there any exceptions and doors in this wall? How is communication with Russians regulated by a sense of belonging? How is the process of othering constructed on everydaylife level?
Long Abstract

Full scale invasion of the Russian federation changed everyday life of Ukrainians and their perception of Russians on different levels. Historically there were a lot of connections between people in both countries, a lot of Ukrainians have relatives, colleagues or friends in Russia. 24.02.2022  ruined the diplomatic contacts, but what happened on the everydaylife level? Do Ukrainias feel an ethical obligation to stop any connections with Russians and build an invisible wall? Are there any exceptions and doors in this wall? How is communication with Russians regulated by a sense of belonging? How is the process of othering constructed on a everydaylife level? The other aspect of my thesis is concerned around the perception of family in Ukrainian culture. What has to happen to stop feeling like a relative to someone? Is the war enough reason for that? The anthropological lenses may help to see the war more complicated that black and white, but at the same time they will give the inner understanding of appropriate and inappropriate during the war.

Abstract Keywords
War, Everyday life, Othering