This research paper explores the subject of occupational mobility and its implications for the uncertain future of brass metal workers, known as Kansaris, in Rathijema village, Odisha, India. Situated within the field of anthropology, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of how occupational mobility influences cultural heritage, livelihoods, and community dynamics within craft-based communities. By investigating the patterns, motivations, and consequences of occupational mobility among the Kansaris, this research sheds light on the broader themes of tradition and change, power dynamics, and the preservation or adaptation of cultural practices.
The objectives of this study are threefold: first, to examine the dynamics of occupational mobility among the Kansaris and identify the factors driving their engagement in different occupational roles; second, to assess the impact of mobility on the livelihoods and socio-economic conditions of the Kansaris, including changes in income levels, job satisfaction, social status, and community dynamics; third, to explore the implications of occupational mobility for the preservation of traditional brass metal craftsmanship and the cultural heritage associated with the craft.
Using a qualitative research approach, this study employs participant observation, interviews, and ethnographic documentation as its primary methodology. The research paper is a product of the doctoral work of the researcher with one and half year of fieldwork. Through purposive sampling, a diverse range of participants have been selected, including experienced artisans, younger generations, and individuals who have transitioned to non-craft occupations.
This research holds academic relevance by providing insights into the dynamics of occupational mobility within a specific cultural and economic context, contributing to anthropological literature on tradition and change. It also has practical relevance by informing policymakers, development agencies, and craft communities about the opportunities, challenges, and potential strategies for sustaining traditional craftsmanship amidst an uncertain future.