Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Prof. Md. Masood Imran Archaeology Jahangirnagar University
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
P043 - Islamization and Globalization in Bangladesh: Beyond Bipolar Opposition
Abstract Title
Bangalism and Muslimness: Reflexivity of Hyphenated Identity in Bangladesh
Short Abstract
Accommodating the heterogeneous voices and their participation to shape the today’s Bangalee in historical process, can be help out to build the democratise Bangladesh. ‘Hyphenated’ or ‘bi word’ identity can be reshaped the social relation of power and knowledge. Already, self-conscious bi word or hyphened identity politically socialised in Bangladesh, what have been found from the field level survey and discussed in the open ended survey section.
Long Abstract

Sufistic phycological constructivistic symbiotic cultural society turned as xenophobia caused Wahabee sharia Islam. This mechanism rescheduled the idea of imaginary community. The Wahabee interpretations of Muslimness pushed to shift the era of differentiated the Muslim identity with the spatial cultural practices. The brutal way of differenciations started taking place with their name and signifier of culture; i.e. “jol” became “pani”. Language Movement of 1952 was the one of signified historical move to projected the national identity as “Bangalee” and the Bangaleeness project was inclusionary for Muslims. However, the nineteenth century’s transformations of imaginary community and reverse mechanism of Bangaleeness of tweenth century were the majoritarian mindscape. Differences were not negotiated politically and intellectually, which have been mentioned in Ahmed Sofa’s write up “Bangalee Musolmaner Mon”. Sofa tried to negotiate the bi-position of Muslimness and to aware the ambiguity of cultural identity politics. History writing projects under the ideological colonial history writing in Indian sub-continent generated a Hinduistic projects. As a reaction, Muslimness took place by the History writing of Muslim scholars. The identity politics and history writing are related symbiotically. In this paper, discursively examined the stimulating practices of power and knowledge, which are describing the intimacy of history writing and nationalism. Perception of national identity are shaped by the social relation of power and knowledge. Though, the nation become represented as a historical subject. Bangalee nation also shaped through the historical process with a social relation of power and knowledge, but not a historical subject. Bangalee should be understood from the class-ethnicity resistances in history. These resistances were an assimilation mechanism of Adibasi, Bangalee and Muslimness. But History writing and Archaeological interpretations excluded the participations of Adibasi peoples in the history of Bangladesh, even in the history of Liberation War in 1971.

Abstract Keywords
Nationalism, Hyphenated Identity, Bangaliness, Muslimness, Reflexivity