In India the livelihood and traditional economic organization of different tribal groups are intimately related with different natural resources. They have their own indigenous knowledge and perception about the utilization of such resources to sustain their livelihood and economy. Northeast India and particularly Assam is a rich zone of ethnic diversity and the Karbis are the early settlers of Karbi Anglong district. They also have their own traditional cultural practices and indigenous knowledge of health care system. It has been noticed that, even in a number of cases if they do not have the accessibilities of western medical facilities, still they do redress their ailments through different medicinal plants which are available in their locality and forest, and also through rituals like Se karkli and Vur kamatha and also by an art of healing done by chanting known as Kapherem.
The said district is covered with forest and natural vegetation to a great extend. The Karbi people had their ethno ecological cognition related to the collection, utilization and preservation of different natural resources related to their different economic organizations. Along with that they have their different indigenous technological implements to pursue their traditional occupational pursuits; such issue is discussed in details particularly focusing on Kapherem, which is recognized as one of the most sought treatment of the Karbi people. Kapherem is the process where they treat various ailments like Stomach upset, cough, sores, fractures by chanting. It is an oral tradition which is being carried forward through generations.