Women’s trinity is a basic metanarrative, to which women are made attuned socially without having their consent nevertheless superseding their innate immunological power as a trump card. The present article seeks to address in trinity, which currently evolves from the covid-19 outbreak coterminous with crisis of neoliberal economy. Women have an innate power of empathy, and a proclivity for hard work; be in working station and in domestic assignment, being underrepresented by men’s superiority complexes, who are deeply immersed in an patriarchal hegemony of indomitable power. It starts from family extend to several formal clusters ranges from institutions to business houses to be associated with inequality as opposed to social cohesion and the sense of belonging pertinent to women. The covid-19 pandemic is deepening pre-existing (in)equalities and is posing an unprecedented short and long-term effects on the global economy and moving beyond a global health crisis, and morphing into a social (inequalities), political (fragile empowerment), economic (threat to women’s employment and livelihoods), and health (susceptible to infection) crisis and intersecting forms of discrimination faced by women and girls. Women as front-line responders are making significant contributions to address the outbreak almost every day are susceptible to exponentially exacerbated gender-based-violence (GBV) due to restricted movement and social isolation due to this pandemic. This impact is escalated in the context of fragility, conflict, and emergencies, which are originated from undermined social cohesion and limited institutional services. Responding to recommendations from Security Council resolutions 2242 (2015 for addressing prevention, protection and equal participation and leadership of women , World Health Organization in collaboration with Women in Global Health under the umbrella of the Global Health Workforce Network strengthen gender-transformative policy guidance and implementation capacity for overcoming inequalities in the global health and social workforce for protecting women and girls from covid-19 driven vulnerabilities.