Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Mrs. Tatyana Ozerskaya Department of Introduction Federal Research Center N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR)
2 Author Mrs. Elena Drugova Department of Introduction Federal Research Center N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR)
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
P121 - Researches, informants, mediators: as Russians scholars studied the countries of the Far South in XX-XXI centuries.
Abstract Title
Cooperation in the study of plant resources: N.I. Vavilov VIR and Asian research institutions in the 20th century
Short Abstract
Russian scientists in 1926 to 1991 visited countries of the South Asian Tropical Center of Origin of Cultivated Plants 22 times. Scholars from the VIR institute were welcomed in research institutions, botanical gardens and farms in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Bhutan, Nepal, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The plant exploration trips covered vast areas. Plant samples were exchanged between VIR and research institutions and breeders of South and South-East Asian countries.
Long Abstract
South and Southeast Asian countries are territories of ancient agricultural civilizations. N.I.Vavilov attached great the importance to these promising regions for the survey and further development of the theory of centers origin of cultivated plants: “All my thoughts are directed now to India, Southeast Asia; summing up the world philosophy, distribution of plants, we came logically to this part, all the rest is more or less clear" (1933). In 1926-1928, according to recommendations of academician N. I. Vavilov, specialist in subtropical crops V. V. Markovich explored the flora of South Asian countries. It was the longest and the only one trip through the territory of India (including modern Pakistan and Bangladesh), the islands of Java and Ceylon. His notes and photographs show developed agricultural and cultural traditions of the population in these countries. In 1950es, the N.I.Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources established mutually beneficial contacts with research institutions in South and Southeast Asia, the exchange of seed and planting material took place. Especially it should be noted in terms of cooperation the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi; the National Rice Research Institute (NRRI), Cuttack; the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad; in Bhutan - the Centre for Agricultural Research and Development (CARD); in Sri Lanka – the Rice Research Station, Batalagode; the Potatoes and Vegetable crops Research station, Sitaeliya; Central Agricultural Research Institute, Gannoruwa; in Bangladesh - Bangladesh Research Rice Institute (BRRI); in Vietnam, until 1991, there were experiment bases in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, where reproduction and study of VIR plant samples were carried out. The exploration of plant resources and their mobilization in the VIR collection would be impossible without interaction with local industrial and scientific institutions, the help of their employees, farmers and ordinary people. The research was performed within the framework of the State Task according to the theme plan of VIR, ? 0481-2022-0006
Abstract Keywords
scientific cooperation, scientific exchange