Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Mr. Ramengmawia Bawitlung Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Bombay
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
P091 - Engaging Northeast India: Exploring Spatiality, Migration, and Meaning-making Practices
Abstract Title
Native City: Space, Capital and Urbanism in Aizawl, Mizoram.
Short Abstract
This paper seeks to understand the constitution of 'frontier urbanism' in the city of Aizawl, Mizoram. In doing so, it will explore the articulation of space towards the practice of native place-making and asses the function of capital in terms of various labour and employment opportunities that has emerged in Aizawl and the urban spaces in its surround.
Long Abstract

Census of India, 2011 notes that 52.11% of Mizoram’s population reside in urban spaces which is second amongst states in the country. Aizawl is resident to roughly a third of the state’s population. This paper is an attempt to bring to light the complex of ‘frontier urbanism’ in Aizawl, Mizoram. Being a borderland city and given its troubled political history, it will seek to fathom how space is curated in terms of class and locality through the articulation of indigenous place-making. Towards this, it will trace the constitutive role of both global and local capital in terms of engendering various forms of labour and employment patterns towards the making of a city its residents reverently call Zawlkhawpui (The Great Settlement). Also, as an ‘oasis of peace’ in insurgency infested and affected North East India, this paper will endeavor to understand how the promise of peace conditions the enactment and re-enactment of order and discipline in the larger social and political landscape of Aizawl. 

Abstract Keywords
Urbanization, North East India, Aizawl