Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Dr. Madhulika Sahoo Anthropology Kalahandi University
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
PT144 - Religion and Sentiments
Abstract Title
Caste-Tribe Continuum a Changing Social identify of the Khond Tribal Women in Kalahandi District, Odisha
Short Abstract
The tribal population in India constitutes 8.6% of the total population and tribal women, comprised 47% of India’s tribal population. They are deeply connected to their communities and possess a profound understanding of their ecosystem. However, the intrusion of caste groups in the tribal-dominated areas is bringing changes in the tribal culture and tradition whilst a surge of the transition from tribe to caste is one such example of change is being observed.
Long Abstract

The tribal population in India constitutes 8.6% of the total population (per the 2011 census) and tribal women, comprised 47% of India’s tribal population. They are deeply connected to their communities and possess a profound understanding of their ecosystem. However, the intrusion of caste groups in the tribal-dominated areas is bringing changes in the tribal culture and tradition whilst a surge of the transition from tribe to caste is one such example of change is being observed. This process was not just uniform and linear, in the sense of gradual and constant cultural growth and modification. It was a kind of accretion or layers of socio-historical changes interacting and superimposing themselves on each other. Indian tribes have often been characterized as societies that in many respects follow aboriginal lifestyles. Arguments are forwarded that the tribal people do not practice any religious ideology. However, they are in the process of being Hinduized. This way they are supposedly moving towards the other pole of the continuum, the diametrically opposite category known as ‘the Caste.’ The tribal pole represents equality whereas, in the caste group, inequality is observed. The present paper is the observation of the changing social identity of the Khond tribal women in the Kalahandi district of Odisha. The paper argued the changes in cultural practices and lifestyle of the Khond tribal women living with the mixed communities and adopting the caste groups religious practices.


Abstract Keywords
Tribe, Khond, Caste, Hinduized, Kalahandi.