Panel's Accepted Abstract

Panel : P027 - Women in the History of Anthropology
TrackIDAbstract TitleAuthor(s)Session
IUAES23_ABS_T6825 Indigenous Students in Higher Education in Bahia, Brazil: Promoting Inclusive and Culturally Sensitive Approaches through the Life and Contributions of Josefa Ferreira Pataxó Felipe Bruno Martins Fernandes
IUAES23_ABS_Q3118 Dancing their visions, following their roads. Female artist-ethnographers challenging the anthropological canon in the 20th century Grit Koeltzsch
IUAES23_ABS_O8824 Reading gender in textile and pottery among the Naga Tribe: A case study on Rengma Naga women. Neisenuo Apon Rengma
IUAES23_ABS_F8850 The contributions of feminism(s) to Basque anthropology and beyond Margaret Bullen
IUAES23_ABS_O3809 Ruth Landes and the History of Anthropology in Brazil - Ethnographic Style, Discoveries and Controversies. Osvaldo F Ribas Lobos Fernandez
IUAES23_ABS_C2693 Anthropology of Dance in Brazil: a field built mostly by women dancer-anthropologists and anthropologist-dancers Giselle Guilhon Antunes Camargo, Maria Acselrad